Telit ME310G1-W2 LTE-M/NB-IoT Module for 450 MHz Receives RED Certification
Telit is a member of the 450 MHz AllianceTelit ME310G1-W2 LTE-M/NB-IoT Module for 450 MHz Receives RED Certification The ME310G1-W2 is the world's smallest LTE-M/NB-IoT module for use in the [...]
World’s First CE Certified LTE Module for Band 72 Comes from UNI450
World's First CE Certified LTE Module for Band 72 Comes from UNI450 Unitac is one of the global leading 450MHz terminals and wireless data solution providers. The dedicated brand UNI450 [...]
World’s First Cat.1bis Module for 450MHz Bands 31 & 72 Comes from UNI450
World's First Cat.1bis Module for 450MHz Bands 31 & 72 Comes from UNI450 Unitac is one of the leading 450MHz terminals and wireless data solution providers. Under their dedicated brand [...]
PGE is working on the construction of a modern LTE450 communication network
We, at the 450 MHz Alliance, want to share some news from one of our member, PGE of Poland PGE continues to work on the LTE450 programme. Pre-implementation tests have [...]
Polish regulator publishes draft decision for future allocation of 420 MHz spectrum
Polish regulator publishes draft decision for future allocation of 420 MHz spectrum Polish regulator (UKE) published this week a draft decision for future allocation of the 420 MHz spectrum. Polish [...]
PGE fast tracks the preparations for LTE450 rollout in Poland
PGE fast tracks the preparations for LTE450 rollout in Poland Polska Grupa Energetyczna (PGE) announced in October 2020 that LTE450 network rollout and operations will be one of the key [...]