

1512, 2020

Telit ME310G1-W2 LTE-M/NB-IoT Module for 450 MHz Receives RED Certification

December 15th, 2020|

Telit is a member of the 450 MHz AllianceTelit ME310G1-W2 LTE-M/NB-IoT Module for 450 MHz Receives RED Certification The ME310G1-W2 is the world's smallest LTE-M/NB-IoT module for use in the [...]

912, 2020

World’s First CE Certified LTE Module for Band 72 Comes from UNI450

December 9th, 2020|

World's First CE Certified LTE Module for Band 72 Comes from UNI450 Unitac is one of the global leading 450MHz terminals and wireless data solution providers. The dedicated brand UNI450 [...]

912, 2020

World’s First Cat.1bis Module for 450MHz Bands 31 & 72 Comes from UNI450

December 9th, 2020|

World's First Cat.1bis Module for 450MHz Bands 31 & 72 Comes from UNI450 Unitac is one of the leading 450MHz terminals and wireless data solution providers. Under their dedicated brand [...]

2711, 2020

PGE is working on the construction of a modern LTE450 communication network

November 27th, 2020|

We, at the 450 MHz Alliance, want to share some news from one of our member, PGE of Poland PGE continues to work on the LTE450 programme. Pre-implementation tests have [...]

1711, 2020

Polish regulator publishes draft decision for future allocation of 420 MHz spectrum

November 17th, 2020|

Polish regulator publishes draft decision for future allocation of 420 MHz spectrum Polish regulator (UKE) published this week a draft decision for future allocation of the 420 MHz spectrum. Polish [...]

1711, 2020

PGE fast tracks the preparations for LTE450 rollout in Poland

November 17th, 2020|

PGE fast tracks the preparations for LTE450 rollout in Poland Polska Grupa Energetyczna (PGE) announced in October 2020 that LTE450 network rollout and operations will be one of the key [...]


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