HUBER+SUHNER joins 450 MHz Alliance
Private LTE is the future of mission-critical broadband communications. Central to this, 450 MHz has significant wide area coverage advantages especially for country wide networks but also addressing regional and [...]
Utility Connect looking for 450 MHz LTE-M Voice devices
Since 2019, Utility Connect, a member of 450 MHz Alliance, has been running a dedicated proof of concept LTE-M network in the 450 MHz-band. The results of this proof of [...]
National IoT network launched in Hungary
Hungary’s state-owned company, MVM NET, a member of 450 MHz Alliance, started eMTC/Cat-M1 IoT solution on top of the broadband LTE 450 MHz network. The importance of this step is [...]
Upcoming events by 450 MHz Alliance
In the coming weeks, 450 MHz Alliance will host a series of online webinars for its members and interested parties. Due to the ongoing worldwide COVID-19 pandemic, the autumn event [...]
Consultation on the award of frequencies in the 450 MHz band in Germany
The President's Chamber of the Federal Network Agency has published the consultation draft for the tendering of frequencies in the 450 MHz band. The aim is to reassign the frequencies [...]
Ericsson joins 450 MHz Alliance
450 MHz Alliance is pleased to announce that Ericsson became the latest member of the organization. We look forward to keeping up the good momentum and growth across the entire [...]