

1902, 2020

RFI for handhelds in 410 and 450 MHz bands

February 19th, 2020|

Our member, Nordic Telecom, has launched RFI for the operators and users to better assess the needs for specific handhelds devices in the 410 and 450 MHz bands. We are [...]

1902, 2020

Inventory collection of 410-470 MHz band devices by 450 MHz Alliance

February 19th, 2020|

450 MHz Alliance has recently launched an effort to conduct the ecosystem inventory of devices in the 410-470 MHz band. We have been collecting responses from various vendors. The inventory [...]

1902, 2020

450 MHz Alliance to participate in UTCAL 2020 in Rio de Janeiro 

February 19th, 2020|

The rise of the private LTE networks, especially in the 450MHz frequency band has been widely present and recognized in the utility industry for the past years. Thus, this highly [...]

1902, 2020

Telit becomes latest member of 450 MHz Alliance

February 19th, 2020|

We are thrilled to announce that Telit became the latest member of the 450 MHz Alliance beginning 2020. We look forward to keeping up the good momentum and growth across [...]

1802, 2020

Mission Critical LTE450 network for Polish utility industry one step closer

February 18th, 2020|

PGE Systemy S.A., a company building the Mission Critical LTE 450 MHz network for Polish power sector, has signed recently contracts purchasing the installations supplied in parallel by Ericsson and [...]


We work as a single united team across 450 MHz ecosystem around the world and give our members the highest quality service possible.

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