RFI for handhelds in 410 and 450 MHz bands
Our member, Nordic Telecom, has launched RFI for the operators and users to better assess the needs for specific handhelds devices in the 410 and 450 MHz bands. We are [...]
Inventory collection of 410-470 MHz band devices by 450 MHz Alliance
450 MHz Alliance has recently launched an effort to conduct the ecosystem inventory of devices in the 410-470 MHz band. We have been collecting responses from various vendors. The inventory [...]
450 MHz Alliance to participate in UTCAL 2020 in Rio de Janeiro
The rise of the private LTE networks, especially in the 450MHz frequency band has been widely present and recognized in the utility industry for the past years. Thus, this highly [...]
Telit becomes latest member of 450 MHz Alliance
We are thrilled to announce that Telit became the latest member of the 450 MHz Alliance beginning 2020. We look forward to keeping up the good momentum and growth across [...]
Mission Critical LTE450 network for Polish utility industry one step closer
PGE Systemy S.A., a company building the Mission Critical LTE 450 MHz network for Polish power sector, has signed recently contracts purchasing the installations supplied in parallel by Ericsson and [...]
450 MHz Semi-Annual Alliance Conference
450 MHz Alliance has the pleasure to invite interested parties to attend the series of upcoming webinars. The webinars offer an alternative to our traditional spring conference of the [...]